Currently: As Endpoint for Omnicom I manage two Jamf servers for Mac endpoint administration. We manage provisioning process and install the security tools, manage WiFi and print settings, provide all applications for install. We also provide tools in Self Service for users; that’s the fun bit!
I manage the Git repo’ for all scripts, EAs, policies and groups and the AutoPKG instance.
Company | Role | Years |
Omnicom | Senior Endpoint Engineer | 2022- |
180 Amsterdam | Mac Operator, Head of Studio, IT Manager | 1999-2022 |
Abacus Studios / AdMagic Group | Mac Operator | 1996-1999 |
Ackroyds Design Emporium | Mac Operator | 1995-1996 |
SavaCentre (Sainsburys) | Desktop Publisher | 1994-1995 |
Kendrick and Company | Studio Junior | 1992-1994 |

They say it takes 10,000 hours to become and expert in something. That’s about five years working 9-5, I’ve done thirty years plus overtime, so these are my six strongest skills…
Page layout, retouch, typography and font licensing | Colour Management and print |
Video Production and Workflow | Data Storage and Virtualisation |
Apple Mac Administration | Studio Resources and Operations |

I’ve also become almost proficient in HTML, 3D modeling, quite good at printing, photography and BASH scripting and I know how to make a bicycle powered Christmas tree !